Building the Brick Shyvaload, Page 5
                     (All photos on this page total 177k.  Please be patient!)
The sandpiper colored Shyvaload is about to get a new paint job, drydocked in the back yard.
After a period of doubting that my mast, an old stair banister, would take the force of the wind, I laminated a mast out of three 1x2's.  For reasons unknown I later shaved the mast to fit the mast hole in the boat, rather than the reverse.  It lasted a good 20 minutes before snapping off.  The bannister is still going.
At this time I also worked on a dagger board.  I was in a hurry so I used one layer of 3/8" plywood, rather than laminating two 1/4" pieces. 
It worked for the two days 
I had for sailing!  The rudder is cut out and laying to the left of the level.  Neither ended up with a foil shape to them.
You can see the mast raised and the sail lowered here.  I have finished painting the hull, but I still need to add the rudder and dagger board.  The rudder is being glued on the work table.

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