On the fifth I took my wife over Beartooth Pass on the GoldWing.
A beautiful day, but cool. I convinced her that taking the van was
not needed, but I had forgotten that the highway from Red Lodge is on the
north side of the mountain, and in the shade until later in the day.
This view is to the South West about three fourths of the way up. |
Past the overlook you can see to the South East.
This is the view from over the top of the pass, actually in Wyoming,
looking South towards Yellowstone National Park. You can see the
road winding down the mountain below us. We went on another 40 miles
to Cooke City, Montana, and had a light lunch. It clouded over and
started to rain as we drove back. |
It rained a bit harder, and then harder still.
We stopped and put on rainsuits, and the rain turned to sleet. As
we got higher on the pass, the sleet finally let up to a light rain...
...but nothing is that simple. The lighter rain turned into
a fairly exciting lightening storm, which we got to observe from inside.
We looked down on the lightening striking around us as we drove over
the pass. While this was a thrilling (terrifying?) ride, I couldn't
get my wife to let me stop for a photo. She won't ride with me anymore,
>>sigh<< |
We kept moving and made it over the hill into sunshine
on the Montana side of Beartooth Pass. The Harley rider stopped on
top of the pass picked a bad spot to put on his rainsuit. I wouldn't
have wanted to do Beartooth Pass in that storm in the Iron Butt Rally,
either! Once we got back to Red Lodge I got a photo of the Carbon
County Courthouse. The old one...I liked it better than the
new one.