22 Aug 97, on Kootenay Lake, BC

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[21 August][22 August][Kootenay Lake, BC][Kaslo, BC]
[23 August][Sandon, BC][Lake Slocan, BC][24 August]

We traveled north across the border to Creston, BC.  Creston is a great place for fresh fruits and vegetables.  Going North out of Creston we wound our way along Kootenay Lake.  Tight curves and moderately low speeds.  Every 45 minutes there is a clump of cars fresh off of the ferry.

Halfway up the lake is a tourist trap worth stopping at.  The Glass House is made from formaldehyde bottles.  Each one represents a dead person in the Pacific NorthWest.  The place is a small castle, with walls, views, walkways and rooms.  Give it a try if you get there.  I have been stopping in since about 1969!

British Columbia Map

Between Kootenay Bay and Balfour is a free ferry.  It is part of the BC highway system.  Two ferries run continuously across the lake, each trip taking about 45 minutes.
 Our bikes and couple others on the ferry.
Looking North up Kootenay Lake, towards Kaslo, BC.
Looking South down Kootenay Lake, at the second ferry.  The far shore is the one we rode up along, from right to left.
Cruising the Lake.
The ferry dock in Balfour.
This is a great way to ride.  It is shorter than many of the ferries in Puget Sound, but just as fun!


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