This is my Dad, sister Deyanne,
and niece Mariah, outside my sister's log home in the Canadian Woods. |
Dad and I parted
in Rossland. He took Washington State Highway 20 west to Seattle.
As you can see, he ran into
a bit of moisture. |
But it was a pretty
ride, anyway!
The Seattle City Light Company
used to be a railroad! |
A little of the
family's favorite food at the Space Needle in Seattle... Popcorn, not Cotton
Back on my end of the trip,
this is Box Canyon Dam and Trestle south of Metaline Falls, WA. |
This is a
nice little park at the dam south of Metaline Falls, WA. It started
to rain just as I pulled out here. It rained for the next couple
of hundred miles. And it never
did get sunny!
Sanders County,
Thompson Falls, MT. |
Back on the Interstate
is Superior, MT, and the Mineral County Courthouse. Actually, other
than the first 60 miles leaving Great Falls, this is the only Interstate
I have been on this trip!
I took a trip in the summer
of 1998. I think the Missoula County Courthouse was at the start
of the roll of film I started that trip with (I don't shoot much anymore
when I am not on Bike trips). It is now somewhere in a southern Utah
desert... >>sigh<<
But just
a mere four years latter I went back to Missoula, and got that photo! |